The dentists use examination instruments to peer into the mouth, look for the cause of the pain, and finally work on the damaged or infected tooth.

The mouth mirror is used to peer into hard-to-view areas of the mouth, like the back and gaps of cavities. The mouth mirror is also used by the dentist to thump a tooth to see if it draws pain.

The dental explorer has a hook that services a scraper for minor plaque and tartar buildup. It is also used to sensate the tooth and see if it produces any tingling sensation from the patient. The dental explorer’s primary purpose is to determine if there is any tooth decay building up on the tooth.

The periodontal probe is used to measure pocket depths in-between teeth. This probe is usually used on adult patients, since they are more prone to periodontitis. The probe is also used on patients who wear braces and Invisalign to see any improvements on their bite.